
What are Single Tooth Implants?

Single tooth implants are the optimal solution for repairing damaged or missing teeth in a specific area.

Natural appearance

Strong, natural chewing ability

Firmly and permanently attached

Substantially minimizes bone loss following the extraction of a natural tooth or teeth

No adverse effects on nearby teeth, as can occur with alternative options such as bridges


How it Works

A dental implant is a titanium screw designed to serve as a base for tooth replacement.

It consists of three components:

Implant post (or body): This serves as the foundation, anchored into the jawbone.

Abutment: Connecting the implant post and crown, it acts as a connector.

Crown: The visible part in the mouth, it can also be an implant bridge spanning across multiple implants.

Cost Of Single Tooth Implants

Our pricing offers the most competitive rates in the area while ensuring the highest quality final outcome. This is accomplished by having a highly skilled dentist who oversees the entire procedure from beginning to end, in collaboration with a proficient in-house dental lab technician. Together, they have successfully completed this procedure countless times, ensuring exceptional results.

Cost Of Single Tooth Implant


$1,600 to $3,000

Single Tooth Implant


Insurance and Financing Options

We gladly accept the majority of PPO insurances. Our dental team is enthusiastic and ready to assist you in understanding your insurance coverage and making the most of your benefits.

For those without dental insurance, we have various financing options available. We provide flexible payment choices through Cherry, Sunbit, and CareCredit, as well as our own In-house financing. Take advantage of our low monthly payment plans offered in-house by contacting us today!


frequently asked questions

It depends. Since every case is unique, we’ll need to see you for a consultation to figure out the best course of treatment for you.
The process is very straight forward. Your implant is placed into your jawbone and is left alone to integrate for 4-6 months. After this, we take impressions and have your tooth fabricated. If bone grafting is needed, this can increase treatment time.

Dental Implant Timeline

Implant body placement, followed by a 4-month wait for integration into the jawbone.
Uncover implants and allow gums to adjust to the correct shape for 2 weeks.
Take impressions and send them to an external lab for the fabrication of abutment and crown, typically taking 3-4 weeks.
Attach the abutment and crown.