
What are Multiple Dental Implants?

Imagine a smile that's whole again. A smile that lets you laugh, eat, and talk with complete confidence – without worrying about slipping dentures or gaps where teeth used to be. That's the power of multiple dental implants at Restoration Smiles – Dentist Tomball! Unlike dentures or bridges, implants are a permanent solution that functions and feels just like your natural teeth. Here's why they might be the perfect choice for you:

Unwavering Stability: Dental implants are tiny titanium posts surgically placed in your jawbone. They fuse with the bone over time, creating an incredibly strong foundation for your new teeth. No more worrying about slipping dentures or bridges!

A Natural Look and Feel: Unlike dentures, our multiple dental implants in Tomball, TX, are topped with custom-crafted crowns that mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth. They blend seamlessly with your smile, giving you unmatched confidence.

Long-Term Investment: Dental implants are built to last a lifetime with proper care. They won't decay or wear down like traditional bridges or dentures, saving you money on replacements in the long run.

Improved Oral Health: Implants actually stimulate your jawbone, preventing bone loss that can occur with missing teeth. This keeps your jaw healthy and strong, promoting overall oral health.


How it Works

Consultation & Planning: We begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your needs and goals.

Implant Placement: Under local anesthesia, we surgically insert biocompatible titanium implants into your jawbone.

Fusion & Healing: Over the next few months, a remarkable process called osseointegration takes place. Your jawbone naturally fuses with the implants, creating a secure and long-lasting bond.

Abutment & Crown Placement: Once the healing is complete, we'll attach abutments (connectors) to the implants.

Cost of multiple Implants

While dentures can offer some relief, they often slip and cause discomfort. This is where multiple dental implants shine! At Restoration Smiles- Dentist Tomball, we understand the life-changing benefits of dental implants and the importance of considering the cost. The cost of multiple dental implants varies depending on several factors, including:

Number of Implants Needed

Implant Material and Brand

Abutment and Crown Selection

Cost Of Multiple Dental Implants


$6,000 to $24,000

Multiple Dental Implants


Insurance and Financing Options

We gladly accept the majority of PPO insurances. Our dental team is enthusiastic and ready to assist you in understanding your insurance coverage and making the most of your benefits.

For those without dental insurance, we have various financing options available. We provide flexible payment choices through Cherry, Sunbit, and CareCredit, as well as our own In-house financing. Take advantage of our low monthly payment plans offered in-house by contacting us today!


frequently asked questions

Generally, if you have good overall and oral health, sufficient jawbone density, and no smoking habit, you might be a candidate. Dentists perform a thorough examination with X-rays or CT scans to confirm suitability.
The number of implants depends on the number and location of missing teeth. For instance, a single implant can support a crown for one missing tooth. At the same time, several implants might be needed for a bridge or implant-supported denture.